What Conscious Uncoupling Certified Coaches Are Saying
“When you decide to become a Conscious Uncoupling coach, you might join with the intention to help others through one of the more difficult times in their lives. What you'll find is that in addition to doing that, you'll also embark on a deep journey of self discovery and excavation of your own habits and patterns. On the other side, is freedom. Katherine's work is groundbreaking and will forever change the way you look at breakups and yourself.”

“I sought out this training to expand my offerings to clients and I certainly am able to do that now. I have another, very powerful tool I can now offer and I feel competent to do so. On a personal level, I finally understand exactly HOW I have been creating my own experience. I have tools to mentor myself through challenging moments. And my own growth impacts my work with clients profoundly. In fact, I think my personal work and my professional work are completely inseparable.”

Certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach
“This is by far the most interesting, comprehensive and best training I've ever taken. Katherine and her team are so brilliant and supportive that I come out of this training feeling ready to bring these great tools and life-changing ideas to the world. I've always been so inclined to hide my work and feel insecure about my expertise and now I feel I can truly rely on what I've learned here and my new skills. I've also come out very inspired to do my bit to change the norm of relationship break ups in the world from contention-based, to respect-and-wisdom-based.”

"The benefits and value [of the Coach Training] are so many that I can't name them all, but I would say the biggest is the total transformation on the level of identity that has allowed me to become unrecognizable to those who knew me before I started this training. My best friend and my partner are constantly pointing out how completely I have shifted literally everything about myself in such a short period of time. My confidence and belief in myself, my ability to communicate, the level of work I do with clients and so much more. It's like this course is an advanced and accelerated container for becoming the adult version of myself that I've been looking for through decades of therapy and personal growth and spiritual development."

"The Conscious Uncoupling Coach Training was professional, well-organized and presented...From day one Katherine's work, coaching, connecting and educating created an amazing field for transformation. The journey opened up rooms in my psyche that I hadn't entered for a while. The energy of the Conscious Uncoupling community, with such a profound leader, helped me to revisit my past, open up for deep self-compassion, and experience many breakthroughs.
